"You Tube" Movie Clips

View the Bristow's - Multi-Tooth Tiller Roll movies on You Tube

Links to our "You Tube" movies

Click on the links below to view our Multi Tooth Tiller Roll "You Tube" movies.

Movie Clips

If you would like to see the Multi-Tooth Tiller Roll in action, click on the movie clips below.

You will need Windows Media Player to view the following movie clips.
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Bristow's new Strip Till Rape Drill.

Bristow's new Strip Till Rape Drill

File type:  You Tube Video

Length:  7m 56s

Introducing the Tiller Roll.

Introducing the Tiller Roll

File type:  .wmv

File size:  3,092 KB

Lifting the Tiller Roll.

Lifting the Tiller Roll

File type:  .wmv

File size:  2,615 KB

The Tiller Roll - Getting up close.

The Tiller Roll - Getting up close

File type:  .wmv

File size:  1,881 KB

Staying clean, no trash build up.

Staying clean, no trash build up

File type:  .wmv

File size:  2,100 KB

Filling the slot for good soil to seed contact.

Filling the slot for good soil to seed contact

File type:  .wmv

File size:  5,876 KB